miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012


It should test Manual Hack veryshort a key Diffie-Hellman.

To do this you must play a game where you need to have 3 players which would be: Alice, Bob and Eve. Where rotate each of the players for each of the characters once everyone

Alice chooses a prime "p", a number "g" in the interval (0, p-1) and another number "x" in the interval (0, p-1). So Alice, calculate "X = g ^ x mod p" and send all values ​​except xa Bob. Bob receives the values ​​and choose a number in the interval (0, p-1), and computes "Y = g ^ y mod p", and send the value to Alice, which computes "K = Y ^ x mod p" and Bob computes "K = X ^ y mod p". Alice and Bob should send to Eve values​​: "p, g, X, Y". Eve needs to find the value of "x" or "y" with "X = g ^ x mod p" or "Y = g ^ y mod p", Eve now computes "K = Y ^ x mod p" or "K = X ^ y mod p" and compare this value with that of Alice and Bob "K". If the value of "K" are the same, Eve hacks the Diffie-Hellman protocol

In this case the players Alex as Alice and Marco as Bob framework.

Where they published the following values

p = 17
g = 13
X = 4
Y = 1

Where I had to find the values ​​of: y, x and  k.

Finding missing numbers published the results I got awaiting a response from my partner where I point out if it was right or wrong, and in my case was correct then I can say that hacks the Diffie-Hellman protocol.

1 comentario:

  1. No tomes potencias. Daría números demasiado grandes usando p & g razonables. Haz multiplicaciones y toma módulo después de cada una.
